{#26}: Adoption Profile or Adoption Blog Review from The R House Adoption Consultants

item: 1 Adoption Profile OR Adoption Blog Review from The R House Adoption Consultants
vendor: The R House Adoption Consultants
  • As a caseworker, Josh has helped countless families create adoption profiles.
  • As a social media community manager, Lindsey understands what a unique arena social media is and knows what works in regards to adoption.
  • We hold focus groups with a diverse group of birth parents who have been through the process (some placing 2 months ago, others 15 years ago) who have given us specific do’s and don’t when it comes to creating an adoption profiles that pops!
  • We evaluate each photo, order of photos, captions, ‘Dear Expectant Parent’ letter and everything in between. We then send you a write up with our evaluation. 
location: Online! 
retail value: $80
starting bid: $50

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1 comment:

Sherri said...

We bid $50. David and Sherri Hiles